tracing with just a single line?

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tracing with just a single line?

Postby allengohl » Fri Dec 14, 2018 11:41 pm

So I am very new to inkscape, but I am trying to trace a bitmap lineart. However, whenever I do the trace command, it creates two sets of vectors: one on the inside of the line, and one on the outside of the line. Is there any way at all to get it to just make a single vector in the middle of the bitmap image line?

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Re: tracing with just a single line?

Postby brynn » Sat Dec 15, 2018 4:27 am

You could try the Centerline Trace extension. Depending on the image, it might not work very well for you. But there's really no other solution, except to manually trace the image with the Pen tool.

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