I noticed 48.1 says it can be downloaded from here: https://launchpad.net/inkscape
I did; however when I open Inkscape 48 it does not acknowledge such. I put the download into my Program files where I have Inkscape 48. What am I missing here? Do I need to wait a while yet?
Not sure this topic is in the right place.?
How to Install 48.1 ?
- Posts: 9
- Joined: Sat Dec 19, 2009 10:19 am
- Location: Central Kansas
Re: How to Install 48.1 ?
Debian and Unbutu are operating systems, different from Windows. That is what you are seeing available for download, not a Windows version. From the use of Program Files, I will assume you mean windows.
You will have to wait for the Windows version. And the Mac version.
You will have to wait for the Windows version. And the Mac version.
- Posts: 9
- Joined: Sat Dec 19, 2009 10:19 am
- Location: Central Kansas
Re: How to Install 48.1 ?
That's why I checked, Thanks for the reminder. GT
- Posts: 9
- Joined: Sat Dec 19, 2009 10:19 am
- Location: Central Kansas
Re: How to Install 48.1 ?
Ok, the windows version is now at www.inkscape.org and I just downloaded, all is well.
Re: How to Install 48.1 ?
BTW, I see that there are some OSX downloads there too, for Leopard & Snow Leopard.
I don't see anything for Mac OSX PPC 10.4.11 yet.
I hope they will not forget us if at all possible....
please, please, please ?
I don't see anything for Mac OSX PPC 10.4.11 yet.
I hope they will not forget us if at all possible....
please, please, please ?
- Posts: 626
- Joined: Wed Jun 06, 2007 2:37 am
Re: How to Install 48.1 ?
Its not a matter of us forgetting you, its a matter of someone with a suitable build system stepping up to make a build for us.
Re: How to Install 48.1 ?
If you know someone willing and able to help the Inkscape project by contributing Tiger PCC (or Universal) builds, tell him/her to drop a note in 'inkscape-devel' …GAngus wrote:I hope they will not forget us if at all possible....
please, please, please ?
It's not that Tiger users are forgotten. The developer responsible for the current Mac OS X packages has no resources (time and access to a Tiger system) available, and the voluntary contribution of the Tiger PPC package (like for 0.47 and 0.48.0) just didn't happen this time.
Re: How to Install 48.1 ?
~suv wrote: the voluntary contribution of the Tiger PPC package (like for 0.47 and 0.48.0) just didn't happen this time.
~Simarilius wrote: us forgetting you
Well... I didn't really think they would "forget" ....and meant no offense.. I just wanted to "voice" my feelings, just in case they thought there's no need for it.
I must admit, I have not seen much discussion about a PPC version and perhaps I am one of the very few who even needs it.
Actually, I am getting along quite well with the 0.48.0 PPC version.
Although I don't really put to many demands on Inkscape, it only crashes rarely, and can live with 48.0 on my old G4MDD Mac if I have to.
Actually, I have an HP Compaq Laptop which now runs 0.48.1 and it even seems a bit peppier there now... so far, anyway.
I will still hope something will come along for PPC AND I will pass the word along on some of my other PPC forums re; a PPC compile for 48.1.
I have the Mac Developer tools with XCode installed and always wanted to try and build something so, perhaps i'll do some lurking around
over at the devel area and see if I can help at all, as well.
Thanks... angus
- Posts: 626
- Joined: Wed Jun 06, 2007 2:37 am
Re: How to Install 48.1 ?
If you fancy trying to build it may be worth emailing the dev list, theres probably someone over there who knows about building on ppc.
Re: How to Install 48.1 ?
GAngus wrote:I have the Mac Developer tools with XCode installed and always wanted to try and build something so, perhaps i'll do some lurking around over at the devel area and see if I can help at all, as well.
The latest XCode available for your platform (v2.5, including the X11 SDK and the optional components for command line development) are a prerequisite, but XCode (the GUI) itself is not actually used when preparing for and building Inkscape. First and foremost you'd have to get acquainted with installing, using and updating MacPorts [1] (for most of the dependencies required to build and run Inkscape and not provided by Apple).
For packaging Inkscape on Mac OS X (creating the application bundle Inkscape.app), the application is built outside of the MacPorts tree, with the help of 3 shell scripts (provided in the Inkscape source tree) which set the environment as needed (with minimal configuration).
The wiki page CompilingMacOsX includes instructions for different build targets ("normal", universal, Gtk+/Quartz). It might miss some details and late changes, but gives an overview for those interested to try themselves.
The archives of the 'inkscape-devel' mailing list might also be a helpful resource, here are some online archives (mirrors):
- sf.net archive (official, slow interface)
- gmane.org (newreader-like interface)
- Old Nabble - Inkscape - Dev forum & mailing list archive
[1] Tiger is only supported as legacy platform by MacPorts.org, but many of the port maintainers do their best to still make it work on Tiger too (within reasonable limits). As far as I remember from last years Tiger packages by Wolf, one main obstacle was trying to build everything as universal binaries (which failed - that's why we only had PPC packages).
Re: How to Install 48.1 ?
thanks for mapping it all out, & all those valuable links.
I'm only about half way up that curve and there are even a few chinks in that curve to clean up before I can progress.
Macports and X11, at the Tiger level, was a challenge to begin with, and Apple pretty much considered it 3rd party and like, "your on your on kid".
Time & life permitting, i'll just have to plug along and see how far I can get.
btw, and thanks to You, for being such a valuable asset to the forums here !!!
thanks for mapping it all out, & all those valuable links.
I'm only about half way up that curve and there are even a few chinks in that curve to clean up before I can progress.
Macports and X11, at the Tiger level, was a challenge to begin with, and Apple pretty much considered it 3rd party and like, "your on your on kid".
Time & life permitting, i'll just have to plug along and see how far I can get.
btw, and thanks to You, for being such a valuable asset to the forums here !!!