Natively within Inkscape, you can use the "
batch export" feature, .png file format only, here is an example for a 4 page slide show..
1. First
>File >Save As (Shift+Ctrl+S) the file into the directory/folder for this file, this will serve as the
file location of the
multiple (batch) exported .png files.
2. Make a rectangul size it to your required page and use this as the first page. Ctrl + D (duplicate it) x3 re-position the vectors for each object below/higher (not stacking order) the first slide.
Slide 1 - vector
position X=0, Y=0 (Selector Tool Controls Bar) number field
Slide 2 - duplicate of Slide 1 vector
position x= -350, Y=0 Repeat and re-postioning Slide 3 and 4, Now you will have four objects. These four objects will be
source of the "batch' export feature.
Select the first slide and
Right-Click it choose
>Object >Properties (Shift+Ctrl+O).
In the "object properties" dialog set the first
field titled "Id" to the filename you want for this slide i.e, "Presentation XYZ_Slide01", then Click the
"Set" button.. Repeat this for the remaining slides.
4a. Suggestion, You should place your batch export objects into their own Single Layer (Shift+Ctrl+L) and place it at the very bottom of your layer order.
5. Do your artwork in new
layers (Shift+Ctrl+N)
above the batch objects. When you are done,
"Show" and Lock all layers above your batch objects. If you have art work that will be repeated per page you have a couple of options, one is to simply duplicate them and place them at the appropriate vector position per slide (vector batch).
Show the batch objects layer, Unlock it and press
Ctrl+A to select all four slides, now export the 'selection"
>File >Export (Shift+Ctrl+E). The Export Bitmap Dialog will open there are FOUR tabs at the top of this dialog. The
"Selection" option should already be enabled.
7. In the
"Filename" section (bottom area) of this dialog there is a
"Batch Export X selected objects" option with X being the number of items you are exporting. Click the checkbox to
enable batch exporting and the Click
"Export" .
The export will occur in the background (automatic) and will be placed in the directory/folder the Inkscape File you are using was saved/created in.
Note: Batch export will overwrite files without warning
8. Now go to the folder this file was saved at, Step 1, and your .png files along with the artwork above them should be in this folder done...
Tips: I place each pages art work into its own layer(s). Hiding layers (now pages)of a specific page, that are done will help increase inkscapes performance on larger documents. You may also need to go into >View >Mode >Outline or No Filters (Ctrl+Keypad_5) if the amount of objects you have set to Show (layers) is large.. You don't have to come out of Outline or No Filters mode when you 'render' (export .png) your artwork. Inkscape's .png rendering is not dependant on your sessions "View" option, it will render your art with all the effects, attributes, colors, etc. ... Export-PNGFinally, then i will shutup, there is an alternative method to do what you want using a separate "svgslice" extension, for more information on the Slice extension - please visit the FAQ page.. I don't use it because the method above works fine for me.

hope this helps...Ok now I am done... zipping the fingers up