Inkscape Digital Art Compeition

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Inkscape Digital Art Compeition

Postby gsatech » Tue Jun 17, 2008 7:55 pm

To whom it may concern,

I am Rebecca, Area Education Executive from Global Software Academy Pte Ltd.

I would like to seek advise or recommendation to push forth the Inkscape Digital Art Competition in Singapore as a National Competition, if possible as a World-wide International Competition. This initiative will be greatly appreciated by our company if we have support from the Inkscape community as a co-host to this competition.

GSA has been using open source software in our training services to promote our pedagogy of continuous learning (Open Education)in our local schools. We hope that this competition will encourage more young learners in using open source software in their schools and hopefully in their future professions. We believe such a competition will help in nurturing young learners to be more inclined with multimedia designing skills and thus giving them an opportunity to be recognised at a national level or international level.

I hope to receive some feedbacks upon this interest to establish this Inkscape Digital Art Competition. In any case, the Inkscape community would like to further discuss on the details, please email me at Thank you.

Rebecca Tan
Area Education Executive
GSA Pte Ltd
Company Website:

Posts: 4
Joined: Fri Sep 10, 2010 2:24 pm

Re: Inkscape Digital Art Compeition

Postby angelabrookss » Sun Sep 19, 2010 4:59 pm

thanks for sharing my friend !

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