¤ No option to save custom gradients. Non that I have found..
¤ The idea of giving each object a new gradient in the list is bleh! Why not have a library where you can add/remove/apply gradients, and if I edit a existing one it should not affect the objects using it.. (Yes, the Photoshop way

¤ Can't move a stop up and down in the list.
¤ No way to use

¤ Can't change the offset for the top and bottom stops.
¤ linearGradient3165 does not say very much to me.. You should be able to name the gradients if we're still going use the "each-object-gets-it's-own-gradient-in-the-list"-system.
I'm quite new to this software so you might be able to do some of these things, but if so, these functions seem to be hidden somewhere in a deep cave where the evil dragon lives..