Converting svg to png or jpg

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Converting svg to png or jpg

Postby thatdude9 » Sun Mar 02, 2014 5:54 am

envy.png (54.36 KiB) Viewed 1349 times
envy.png (54.36 KiB) Viewed 1349 times
I am new to Inkscape and need help converting. Everytime I convert an SVG file to PNG, the image is all swollen and fat. and every time I convert an SVG file to JPEG file, all the effects I did to the image or letter in inkscape are gone and its just a normal picture. WHAT DO I DO???..... HELP

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Re: Converting svg to png or jpg

Postby thatdude9 » Sun Mar 02, 2014 5:55 am

the file I uploaded is the PNG file. The words should not look that swollen and fat

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Re: Converting svg to png or jpg

Postby Lazur » Sun Mar 02, 2014 11:15 am


There is only one thing that can produce results you described, but it's unlikey after seeing those images.
Open the inkscape prefereces tab (Shift+Ctrl+P),
and at the transformations select optimised, and NOT preserved.
This is related to the svg specification, where you can make strokes transformed -which may make sense at the coding, but looks weird in most cases.

If that doesn't solve the problem, give us some more info screenshot vs final image perhaps.

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Re: Converting svg to png or jpg

Postby druban » Sun Mar 02, 2014 12:14 pm

Honestly it's much faster if you post your file or another that has this problem because it sounds like too many things to track down in Q and A.
Are you using filter effects? Are you applying them? You know that jpeg as a format does not support transparency, so some problems are definitely due to that, if your image has transparency. So make your background completely opaque (in document properties) and try it again to see if there is a big difference. My way out there guess is that you have some filter effect on the letters that involves a soft edge, which is being converted to a hard edge because of transparency issues, inflating the letters.
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