Ok, I'm calling it 'finished'!
I'm really not satisfied that it looks realistic, not all of it. Some of it I think does look realisticut, but I am just too tired of working on it right now. However I have learned several important lessons, and do know what I would do differently, the next time I have similar issues. And I am totally open to comments and constructive criticism.
In general, I feel like I can depict parts of an image that lie in shadow fairly well, or at least to my own satisfaction. But one area in which I want to improve is depicting the parts of an image that contain highlights. For example in this pear, I just cannot get the top part of it to look right -- where the stem comes out, the deep cut and bruise at the top, even the highlights themselves seem to struggle. I did remove almost half the speckles, but in retrospect, think I should have left them alone. The bottom (flower end) finally looks ok to me; not great, but at least ok.
Ok, below is the screen shot at 50%, and here's the
link to full size.