inkscape cant import file jpg?

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inkscape cant import file jpg?

Postby tunjin » Fri Oct 05, 2012 7:38 pm

i import file jpg into inkscape, impossible but why?
see my screenshot:Image
the version: Inkscape r9886

i try rename from image-24.jpg to image-24.jpg and to image-24.JPEG not work

i try to convert from image-24.JPEG to image-24.png and inkscape works from png..
maybe file jpg is protect or bad file?

but player viewer(xnview,g is works as perfect...

here code file image-24.jpg original: Image

let me know, thank you

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Re: inkscape cant import file jpg?

Postby Grobe » Sat Oct 06, 2012 8:31 pm

Hi. What OS are you running?

It might be a bug, so you could try to file a bug report.

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Re: inkscape cant import file jpg?

Postby tunjin » Sun Oct 07, 2012 7:45 am

Grobe wrote:Hi. What OS are you running?

It might be a bug, so you could try to file a bug report.

my os is: opensuse 12.1 with kde 4.8.5

but i'm not good english for open the report bug..
please one of you can open the report bug for me?
i attached here file original jpg, you can try to open it for test it if really a new bug or not ok?
let me know if you have same problem from this attachment ok?
thank you
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Re: inkscape cant import file jpg?

Postby ~suv » Sun Oct 07, 2012 9:57 am

tunjin wrote:my os is: opensuse 12.1 with kde 4.8.5
i attached here file original jpg, you can try to open it for test it if really a new bug or not ok?
The attached image imports just fine in Inkscape 0.48.2 and on OS X 10.7.4, and in Inkscape on Ubuntu 12.10.

AFAICT (or IMHO) your issue doesn't look like a bug in Inkscape itself - more likely either your system installation is somehow partially broken or missing required libraries for JPEG support in GDK-PixBuf, or there is a more general issue with OpenSUSE's official Inkscape package, or maybe this boils down to yet another bug with the GTK2 theme (or engine) used for GTK+ applications under KDE (likely the Oxygen gtk2-engine).

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Re: inkscape cant import file jpg?

Postby tunjin » Tue Oct 09, 2012 6:28 am

~suv wrote:
tunjin wrote:my os is: opensuse 12.1 with kde 4.8.5
i attached here file original jpg, you can try to open it for test it if really a new bug or not ok?
The attached image imports just fine in Inkscape 0.48.2 and on OS X 10.7.4, and in Inkscape on Ubuntu 12.10.

AFAICT (or IMHO) your issue doesn't look like a bug in Inkscape itself - more likely either your system installation is somehow partially broken or missing required libraries for JPEG support in GDK-PixBuf, or there is a more general issue with OpenSUSE's official Inkscape package, or maybe this boils down to yet another bug with the GTK2 theme (or engine) used for GTK+ applications under KDE (likely the Oxygen gtk2-engine).

ok of course but i wanted to ask you for strange problem ok?

i try with terminal:

Code: Select all

> inkscape image-2.jpg
image-2.jpg:1: parser error : Start tag expected, '<' not found

this is normal or strange or problem library GTK2?

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