Bus stops with name
Bus stops with name
I draw paths on a map-background. They are bus-lines with dots or little lines as bus-stops. I want to write the name of the bus stops perpendicularly to the path and I want that they will keep the position to the path even I move it
. How can I make that connections?

Re: Bus stops with name
Group the text and the path?
Re: Bus stops with name
Yes, but when I do it, the text doesn't hang on when I move the path.
Re: Bus stops with name
Sorry, I didn't click you were using
instead of
. The closest you'll get to what you want is if you put the text on your path - http://tavmjong.free.fr/INKSCAPE/MANUAL ... -Path.html
This will make the text follow the path, but I suspect you only want it relative to the path--if so I don't think there's a way to do it.

This will make the text follow the path, but I suspect you only want it relative to the path--if so I don't think there's a way to do it.
- EarlyBlake
- Posts: 302
- Joined: Tue Jun 03, 2008 5:42 pm
Re: Bus stops with name
It seems like there would be a way to associate an object with a node in inkscape, but short of learning scripting, I don't think there is one. Pattern along path effects >> generate from path >> pattern won't update after you put the text on and it distorts the text. Live path effect will also distort the text and spacing stuff in the live path effects it next to impossible. I tried the
with grouped text for s**ts and it would not connect grouped objects in 0.46 anyways. The only kind of shot cut is use the number nodes effect then try in the text by hand. They wont live update though. That and snap node to center node to help position them when you do move a path.

Last edited by EarlyBlake on Thu Apr 30, 2009 5:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Bus stops with name
Thank you that you made efforts. Maybe this is an idea for coming versions.
I shall draw several hundred lines on a map and sometimes want select and modify only one of them. Does it make any difference if I open a new layer for every line or I just draw the lline? I suppose, it will be the same result. I want to update as easily as possible.
I shall draw several hundred lines on a map and sometimes want select and modify only one of them. Does it make any difference if I open a new layer for every line or I just draw the lline? I suppose, it will be the same result. I want to update as easily as possible.
- EarlyBlake
- Posts: 302
- Joined: Tue Jun 03, 2008 5:42 pm
Re: Bus stops with name
How big is the project? There is probably another pieces of cheap or free software that will do what you want. An organizational chart software or something. I just don't know what it is. If there are hundred of lines doing some more research before you commit to doing it the hard way, might be the way to go.
Linked image not found
How big is the project?
Excuse me I didn't answer yet. It can be a big project or nothing. This is only an idea yet, but maybe it will be accepted and then it will be a huge project.
However I've got a curious result. These are not lines what I wrote about, but there is some connection with that idea, I didn't use layers, only imported a lot of small png-images. I exported the whole as png and it is OK. But when I opened the svg-file again to make it better, I've got a lot of crosses with the message: "Linked image not found":

Why? Is the file too big? Too many small images? Can I avoid this?
Re: Bus stops with name
I suppose that this problem is related to Linux. I have the file on USB and when I open the same file in Windows I have the images. When I open it in Linux, I have not. Why?
- EarlyBlake
- Posts: 302
- Joined: Tue Jun 03, 2008 5:42 pm
Re: Bus stops with name
Inkscape will only store the directory path to imported images by default. You can embed them so they are stored in the inkscape file effects menu >> images >> embed all images. Or you can put them in a subfolder you move with the SVG file. If you move the PNGs to a sub file you will have to up date the paths to the images. You can do that by right clicking on the red x then selecting image properties. The path is in the first line.