Simarilius wrote:Would probably be quite easy to create either a python script to convert the xy to svg paths, or to create a excel macro to do it.
Sorry for reposting, but I do not know how to reply to a reply
Thank you "Similarius"
This is what I did, or similar to that what you recommend. I created in Inkscape a poly line with

Just a random zig zag. In Excel, where the table with the x,y values was calculated, I used the Excel text funktions to create a Path string "M x1,y1 L x2,y2 L x3,y3....." In Inkscape I selected the "zig zag" and opened the XML-Editor with Menu - Edit -XML-Editor... In Excel I copied the Path string and pasted it to the Attribute d of the XML-Editor. After that I smoothened the curve with the Bezier tool of Inkskape.
It works that way. But doing it 80 times for 80 curves is a bit boring. And so I contacted the forum.
Have a nice weekend