slice with command line

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Posts: 2
Joined: Fri Nov 07, 2014 7:58 am

slice with command line

Postby stiebel » Sun Nov 09, 2014 4:30 am

Hi forum,
My name is Roland and I am new to this forum and I am also new to incscape as well.
I usually do pixel graphics with large proportions (up to 25 gigapixles) but sometimes
I get a vector graphics pdf from a customer.
One of the main tasks I do is slicing the images and then resize the slices to large images.
When slicing pixel images I am fine using Imagemagick, but when I try to
slice a vector image with image magick the whole image must be converted
to pixels before sliceing and this is far to much data.

So I need a way to slice a vector graphic pdf file into about 50 - 60 slices.
And I need to do this automaticly.

I wonder if inkscape could do
1) convert pdf to svg if nessesary
2) slice a picture into 50 slices that still have all vector information to create large pixelgraphics without blur in the next step
3) do the whole job from command-line, batch-job or php script

Thanks for any help


Posts: 2
Joined: Fri Nov 07, 2014 7:58 am

Re: slice with command line

Postby stiebel » Mon Nov 10, 2014 7:16 pm

Sorry for double posting, but things are even worse:
The pdf images I get are hybrid vector/pixel images at a given size.
So the sliced image must still be a vector/pixel compound image.
Does svg supports this?
Does inkscape can do this?


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Joined: Tue Jun 14, 2016 10:38 am

Re: slice with command line

Postby Lazur » Mon Nov 10, 2014 9:27 pm

Welcome aboard!

Inkscape can open pdf-s and save them as svg-s.
It uses ghostscript as far as I know, though you are in bad luck if the pdf uses gradient meshes (and various blending modes?).
If it does, look up this topic.

For slicing and batch exporting, check these:

I have no idea about command line, not even that if it's possible or not.

Slicing may give you exported png-s. Those won't contain vector elements,
Svg can contain both vector and raster elements, but slicing an image to separate svg-s is another problem.

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