I have written a web page http://shield.karlwilcox.com which will create heraldic shields as SVG files, which can then be edited with Inkscape. To create the image you type in the heraldic description of the shield (known as a "blazon"), for example:
Argent, on a bend azure three buckles or

The shield can be viewed in an SVG capable browser or downloaded. The program is written in PHP and works by assembling fragments of SVG as required. Most of the items on the shield (called "charges") were origninally created using Inkscape, I have a PHP script which extracts the relevant bits from the Inkscape SVG and puts it into a PHP array for use in the program. The intention is that folks can create their own shields (there is even a random blazon generator to use a starting point) and can then download it into Inkscape for further editing.
I am in the process of adding more features but would appreciate any comments on the work so far from the Inkscape community.
Many thanks for your time,
Karl Wilcox
Freelance Lecturer
Lincoln, Lincolnshire, England