Inkscape water filter

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Inkscape water filter

Postby wsnaccad » Fri Nov 14, 2008 6:42 am

Any water filter out there? I don't know of any, or maybe I am just lazy to look. Anyway here is the result of the water filter that I created after tweaking Chrisdesign's distortion filter (got them in OCAL - so public domain, thanks Chrisdesign).


For more of my work visit my blog below, thanks guys.

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Re: Inkscape water filter

Postby BobSongs » Thu Nov 27, 2008 2:19 pm

Mm. Interesting. Filters in Inkscape are, of course, cool.

I did a Google search and found The site has a few examples on the page. Each "download" is an SVG file with the filters already applied. I downloaded the SVG files. When loaded into Inkscape a section can be copied out to a new instance.

:tool_text: If it's text, for example, the text can be selected and the characters replaced with anything you choose.

Interesting. Thanks!

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