Double click guide and path should create node

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Double click guide and path should create node

Postby turquoise » Sun Sep 20, 2009 1:06 am

I have created a rectangle then changed it to a path. While node editing the path I need to create a node where the guide crosses the path. Double clicking on a path normally creates a new node but the guide gets the double click. A double click on a guide brings up a property list of the guide. I would like to put in a suggestion that the path be given priority for the double click because adding nodes is much more common than getting info about guides. IMHO adding a node at the intersection of a guide and a path is a fairly basic purpose of a guide. How can the node be added otherwise? Is there some weird key combination which would have to be memorized to add the node? This happens in both 0.46 and 0.47pre2-1.

What are your thoughts about this? Have you had this problem? Would this change cause you to work be easier or worse?

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Re: Double click guide and path should create node

Postby ~suv » Sun Sep 20, 2009 3:10 am

turquoise wrote:How can the node be added otherwise?

  • add a node with the <Ins> key - but as my laptop lacks that key, I cannot confirm it ;-)
  • workaround: add a node slightly off the guides intersection and then snap it to the intersection (tested with Inkscape 046+devel r22240).

You could contribute to the Blueprint: “improve guides usability by adding more features: lock/unlock, moveable guides, color selection...” e.g the request to have a 'lock guides' feature might be a more general solution to your issue.

…or you could file a bug/RFE to the Inkscape bug tracker - in node edit mode a double-click to 'add node' should take precedence over the 'guide line' positioning dialog (I am not sure if this needs to be the case in other tool modes as well).

Maybe useful to look at before filing a new bug: bug tracker search for 'guide' (sorted by most recently changed)

hth, ~suv

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Re: Double click guide and path should create node

Postby brynn » Sun Sep 20, 2009 11:26 am

•add a node with the <Ins> key - but as my laptop lacks that key, I cannot confirm it ;-)
•workaround: add a node slightly off the guides intersection and then snap it to the intersection (tested with Inkscape 046+devel r22240).

And there's also the Add Node button on the :tool_node: toolbar. Then snap it to the guide. I've done this quite often to work around a bug that I've run into from time to time, so I know it works fine. (I forget the details of the bug at the moment.)

Another trick I've used is to zoom in quite a bit. Then you can get the node really, really close to the guide, and not have to distort your path as much in the process.


Re: Double click guide and path should create node

Postby phil » Mon Jul 19, 2010 4:45 pm

the workaround I use is to position the node pointer where I want the node, then use the pipe/vertical bar key on the keyboard to turn off the guidelines. Now you can double-click or cntl-alt-leftclick to add the node onto the path.

if the guideline was highlighted before turning it off, and you didn't move the mouse when clicking, the new node should be exactly on the guideline.

use the pipe/vert bar key to turn on the guidelines again after bunging down the node.

the insert key no good for this, it add a node on a path midway between two other selected nodes.

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