Importing JPEGs

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Importing JPEGs

Postby Lucille » Sat Jul 18, 2009 10:46 pm

Can I tweak any settings to get JPEGS and BMPs to open the right size or do they always open 10X larger than they should?

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Re: Importing JPEGs

Postby prkos » Sat Jul 18, 2009 10:57 pm

just hand over the chocolate and nobody gets hurt

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Re: Importing JPEGs

Postby Lucille » Mon Jul 20, 2009 8:18 am

Thanks for the link at least I know why now :D

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Re: Importing JPEGs

Postby Marcelo » Thu Jul 23, 2009 12:30 am

By the way, I cannot find any indicator of the current size of an imported image in relation to the actual one. For example, I expected the selector toolbar to indicate that the selected image (let's say jpg) is W:50%, H:75%, which would mean to me I reduced size and lost proportions considering the same image open in external editor. On the contrary, it keeps saying 100% for both W and H no matter how I resize it, or adjusting current size if I set other measure units.

Is there any other bar or box showing this?

I couldn't find any topic on this at the manual nor the web, hope it's not because of being too obvious. Thanks very much in advance.

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Re: Importing JPEGs

Postby microUgly » Sat Aug 01, 2009 11:03 am

Marcelo wrote:On the contrary, it keeps saying 100% for both W and H no matter how I resize it

The percentage is relative to it's current size. Since it's current size is always current then it's always 100% :) I guess the idea is that you can still type in 50%, even though as soon as the value is applied it changes to 100%.

Anyway, the only solution I can think of it to take note of the original pixel size for your JPG and change your unit to px when doing transformations.

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Re: Importing JPEGs

Postby Marcelo » Tue Aug 04, 2009 2:06 pm

Thanks so much for your answer. At least I know that's the end of my search for this.

Sorry if it should go in the discussion forums instead of here, but... isn't it a little unlogic that you have the current size of the image twice (at the selection tool bar and at the transform box/scale dialogue), and never the actual one?. I feel it's kind of overlapping functions while lacking a very important reference (an old regular feature in mostly all equivalent programmes, by the way).

Thanks again.

(For the rest, Inkscape is great to me anyway; and some features just the best).

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