When developing for iOS, for pixel perfect graphics the best practice is to export a particular asset (say an icon for a button) in three resolutions: 1x, @2x, and @3x. The @2x (for example) becomes a suffix... if you are exporting a 1x icon called playButton.png (50x50), you also need to export the same graphic at 100x100 (playButton@2x.png) and at 150x150 (playButton@3x.png).
I've noticed the tool Sketch lets you generate the 2x and 3x export files automatically. I'm wondering if there is an extension or script that will do this in Inkscape? (Maybe it is time for me to learn to code inkscape scripts). Confounding things a little, I prefer to draw all my assets for a project in a single file, and then exporting selected objects from that file.
Extension for exporting iOS assets
Re: Extension for exporting iOS assets
Here's something similar, it should be easy to adapt: https://github.com/ChristianBecker/inks ... oid-export
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Inkscape FAQ - Learning Resources - Website with tutorials (German and English)
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