Direct link: http://img217.imageshack.us/img217/7721 ... alegf0.jpg
My first chibis! This image wont make sense unless you follow the anime Bleach closely, and then it still night not. I read that chibi's were the easiest figures to draw. But I had a hard time getting the proportions down. It was easier to do penguinizing. I still didn't get it quite right. The body length should be closer two and a half times the head length. And they don't usually have noses, but the pumpkin guy's (Zommari) nose is his most prominent feature so...

I exported it at like 400 dpi and scaled it down with gimp, but there is a lot of aliasing on spork guy's (Byakuya) face. It made a little worce buy changing to jpg. It's bugging me but I've been looking at it a lot. How annoying is the aliasing? When I export it as like 72 dpi there is really obvious aliasing in spork guy's hair. Also I don't know if I've cropped it too tight.