I'm looking for a special thing without beeing sure it is possible with Inkscape : to create an Inkscape image using indexed or symbolic color references so that I could switch from a palette to another without needing to change each color reference in the image.
I do not know if I'm clear, if I'm not, feel free to tell me.
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[solved] Indexed colors palette with palette switch ?
[solved] Indexed colors palette with palette switch ?
Last edited by Hibou57 on Fri Mar 20, 2009 11:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Indexed colors palette with palette switch ?
I'm not sure exactly what you need but there is more than one palette of colors in Inkscape, you can switch to a different one using the small arrow in the bottom right corner of the window, next to the color palette. You probably need the one called WebHex.
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Re: Indexed colors palette with palette switch ?
You can achieve this by using gradients if you enable gradient sharing in Inkscape preferences. It's not elegant, but it works.
Re: Indexed colors palette with palette switch ?
Hello, and thanks for your replies,
I failed to explain what I was meaning. I will try in other words.
Let say I got an image, with many objects. Let focus on one object, a square : it is blue, color 0000FF. Now let say I do not want the blue color to be explicite, but rather symbolic, for exampe “MyColorForSquares”, then I will got a palette with something like “MyColorForSquares = 0000FF” and could change the palette for another one with “MyColorForSquares = FF0000” and will got a randered image with a red square. Well, symbolic or indexed colors... indexes would be as fine as well.
I usually simulate the same editing the SVG file in a raw text editor and let say, replacing all 0000FF with FF0000, and was wondering if it is possible to rather do this using a palette of indexed or symbolic colors.
I can do without it, this is just that it would be really more easy.
I failed to explain what I was meaning. I will try in other words.
Let say I got an image, with many objects. Let focus on one object, a square : it is blue, color 0000FF. Now let say I do not want the blue color to be explicite, but rather symbolic, for exampe “MyColorForSquares”, then I will got a palette with something like “MyColorForSquares = 0000FF” and could change the palette for another one with “MyColorForSquares = FF0000” and will got a randered image with a red square. Well, symbolic or indexed colors... indexes would be as fine as well.
I usually simulate the same editing the SVG file in a raw text editor and let say, replacing all 0000FF with FF0000, and was wondering if it is possible to rather do this using a palette of indexed or symbolic colors.
I can do without it, this is just that it would be really more easy.
Re: Indexed colors palette with palette switch ?
By the way, if I'm allowed to do so, I would like to get your opinions about colors for an online application (an XML editor, its in french, but don't mind, the matter is colors).
At the time it looks like : http://www.lasidore.rasama.org
It was looking like this before :
Which one do you prefer or do you think gives the better confort ?
I was targeting eyes confort, that's why I though about a dark palette, but someone told me the one with the dark green background is not nice, that's why I tried the new one, with a light green background.
At the time it looks like : http://www.lasidore.rasama.org
It was looking like this before :

Which one do you prefer or do you think gives the better confort ?
I was targeting eyes confort, that's why I though about a dark palette, but someone told me the one with the dark green background is not nice, that's why I tried the new one, with a light green background.
Re: Indexed colors palette with palette switch ?
Hibou57 wrote:and was wondering if it is possible to rather do this using a palette of indexed or symbolic colors.
You can't do this with flat colours, but gradients work exactly as you described. You can use gradients to get the functionality you want. You can even edit the gradient in the XML and delete colour stops so it only has one colour stop so it's a little easier to manage a flat colour.
Re: Indexed colors palette with palette switch ?
microUgly wrote:You can't do this with flat colours, but gradients work exactly as you described. You can use gradients to get the functionality you want. You can even edit the gradient in the XML and delete colour stops so it only has one colour stop so it's a little easier to manage a flat colour.
Ah, ok, I see. I did not deeply understood what you've said the first time.
I will look at gradient in the user manual to learn more about this kind of grandient (at the time I've just used gradient with a start and end color, not this way).
I think I can mark the topic as solved.
Many thanks for the tip MicroUgly

Re: [solved] Indexed colors palette with palette switch ?
Hi, an update to the discussion : there is still an issue with matrix color transformation (in filter effects), which use channel ratios and further more, the three channels are separated. Those cases mut still be manually handled.