Being new to Inkscape I am still trying to learn its capabilities and controls as compared to others similar programs that i have used before. One thing that is bothering me now is "Line Drawing". With other programs I would select "line" to draw a line and then accept the default line style or I could select a different line style and line thickness from a pull down (or create a custom) and then I would place the mouse arrow where I wanted the line to begin. Since there is not a similar feature within Inkscape I have been struggling with the Pencil tool and the Bezier tool for lines.
The Pencil tool is okay but it does not give me any option to change line width. After I draw a line I can adjust the width manually as long as the line is in the same plane or perpendicular to it as it was initially created. However, once the line is rotated all bets are off. The Line then cannot be adjusted for width and if you try it simply scales the line, not the width. The pencil tool also has another issue when creating a straight line, the slightest variance in the user's stroke can cause a "twisted" line appearance if the endpoint is not exactly on the same plane as the staring point.
The real issue here is that once the User has created a drawing and rotated one or all lines then decides that he would like to increase or decrease the line width there absolutely no easy way to do this, unless I am missing something here. The only option then is to manually go to each rotated line segment and return it to its original plane then modify the width and return it to the position intended the drawing. This time consuming and painful.

Is there any better work around for this issue or is it being addressed in a future revision and if so when?