Not printing everything within page border

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Not printing everything within page border

Postby ladyrogue » Sun Sep 25, 2016 5:46 am

So I've set up a measurement guide of sorts to help me print out cards. I have the ruler marks and number set exactly to mm. I want to print the whole guide out all marks and numbers and everything is included within the page border. But when I print, it cuts off the marks with the numbers. I've spent an hour looking through the forum about Inkscape cutting images off, but so far nothing has worked. I have an image of what I'm trying to print attached.
measurementguide.PNG (50.2 KiB) Viewed 1310 times

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Re: Not printing everything within page border

Postby Maestral » Sun Sep 25, 2016 9:00 am

Have you tried Save As... .pdf and then printing that new .pdf file?
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Re: Not printing everything within page border

Postby Xav » Sun Sep 25, 2016 4:50 pm

Can your printer actually print that close to the page edges? Few printers actually do edge-to-edge printing; most have an unprintable border which they use for handling the paper.
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Re: Not printing everything within page border

Postby ladyrogue » Wed Sep 28, 2016 8:37 am

I have tried saving it as a pdf and printing, but when I do the measurements are no longer accurate. I'm not sure about our printer, but I don't see why it would be cutting off the numbers regardless.

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Re: Not printing everything within page border

Postby Xav » Wed Sep 28, 2016 5:24 pm

If it can't physically print close enough to the edges then anything in the unprintable area just won't get printed, whether it's numbers, tick marks or other shapes.

When printing from a PDF you may find that your PDF program is set to scale to fit, which is why the measurements aren't accurate. Turn that option off and I suspect you'll find that the same areas of the page are left unprinted for the same reason as above - unprintable edges.

It would help if you let us know the make and model of your printer, and perhaps included a scan or photo of the printed output (just a close up of one of the corner areas should do).
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