How to delete content outside of shape?

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How to delete content outside of shape?

Postby Sammo » Tue Jan 04, 2011 12:28 am

Hi there, I've recently started to make a basic Apple Mouse for a particular project of mine, and used the blur on a shape. The blur was quite large and so spread out around the borders of the shape it was resting on.

I'm just wondering how you would delete the blur that has spilled over the edges?

As you can see, on the white background it looks fine.


Anything other than a white background and you can see the white-ish blur has spilt over the edges.


Any way to delete the blur that is over the edges?

Obviously in programmes such as Photoshop you could use various tools to select the outside and delete. I'm thinking of rendering my entire piece in Inkscape then adding the modified Apple mice in Photoshop at the end if there is no method of doing this in Inkscape.

Any help would be gratefully appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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Re: How to delete content outside of shape?

Postby tomh » Tue Jan 04, 2011 1:06 am

The normal way of doing this in inkscape is by using a clipping path. Bassicaly, create an object the same size as the area you want included (or duplicate the outline of the shape you have used), group all your other objects, select both and then go Object > Clip > Set.

See or ... pping.html for details .

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