Off topic:
Lazur URH wrote:[offtopic]So heavy drinking leads straight to compiling new inkscape extensions to windows -Brainless-? Show me the way to the next whiskey bar.
Now don't confuse me -- don't we have a member named Brainless, who actually does do some compiling? Hhmmm......

A shy one perhaps....??[/offtopic]
Actually Ragnar, I have seen a longer 1 sentence message, lol. I tried to get the punctuation idea through to them, but they seem to have been incapable. Fortunately, their problem was solved and they haven't been back.
But anyway, Ian, the length of the message isn't the problem. It's the lack of punctuation -- commas, periods, capitalize the first word of a sentence, double-space for new paragraph, etc. Not to be critical, at all. We certainly can muddle through. It's just that not many of us will have so much patience

And btw, smileys are helpful too, sometimes

Now to try and answer your questions, as much as I can understand them. The dimensions of selected objects (selected with Selection tool

) can be seen on the tool control bar. The control bar changes depending on which tool you have engaged. For the selection tool, it tells you the dimensions. So you can Scale (re-size) any object, or the entire image -- whatever is selected.
You can choose whatever units you want. Inkscape offers many units. You can either change the units on the tool control bar (see how px has a dropdown menu?) or you can change the whole document, by going to Document Properties, top of the Page tab, Default Units. Or both

As simple as that seems, there is a slight problem. Whatever screen resolution you're using affects Inkscape's ability to create the true size. Some time ago, someone posted a link to a site where you could calculate the true size, considering your screen resolution. I thought I had saved it, but I surely can't find it. On my screen, I recall that the true size is approx 12 to 15% larger. All I really can remember is that an Inkscape unit is smaller than the true unit size. But that only applies to the resolution of my screen. Likely you use a different res. But hey, maybe your son understands the resolution issue, and can help you with the size conversions?
I'm not familiar with the author of the tutorials you mentioned, or the tutorials either. Unless she's registered under another name, I don't think she's a member here. So I can't comment as to their quality. If you can provide a link to a tutorial, and tell us where you get stuck, we can help you sort it out.
Unless WordArt has some feature you need, that Inkscape doesn't have, you'd probably get along better using Inkscape for the text. Then you don't have to import and possibly convert color codes etc.
Hopefully we've covered your questions. But if we missed something, just reply again, and we'll try again