Love inkscape - if only it was layered and built on Qt...

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Love inkscape - if only it was layered and built on Qt...

Postby Whippy » Fri Aug 19, 2011 6:03 pm

I've been using Inkscape for SVG for a while now and I've built interfaces to SVG using web pages (and jquerysvg). Lately I've been using Qt (mainly via PyQt) and developing interfaces with Qt4 designer plus python - Wonderful stuff and very productive... I dread going back to javascript.

Qt4 is let down in the SVG department - simple viewing is excellent with a nice pan/zoom widget that is great for displaying maps and the like. However, there is no DOM manipulation at all available in the QtSVG stuff and apparently no plans to provide it which seems an absurd under-utilisation of SVG's capabilities. I can look at the nice map but I can't highlight moused territories, change colours to reflect user actions, animate a route... etc.

If Inkscape were to be refactored such that it leveraged PyQt, it would be much more amenable to customisation and extension (including optimisation) and its widgets would feed forward supplanting the inadequate QtSvg stuff. It would include a general interactive SVGWidget which would be specialised (or simply utilised) by the inkscape code.

Then inkscape would not only be providing an excellent SVG editor, it would also be providing an excellent platform for the development of applications utilising SVG.

If Inkscape is not going this way, perhaps someone can help me find an interactive SVG widget for PyQt?

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Re: Love inkscape - if only it was layered and built on Qt..

Postby brynn » Sun Aug 21, 2011 3:32 am

Welcome to InkscapeForum!

I'm sorry I can't respond to your topic, because it's way over my head, lol. Just wanted to say welcome, and also, I'll move your topic to General Discussions forum. (this one is more for forum feedback rather than Inkscape feedback)

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