Hexagon Desert Texture

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Hexagon Desert Texture

Postby Abascus » Mon Jan 19, 2015 5:40 am

I am trying to generate a hexagon with some kind of desert texture or sandstorm texture on it.
A yellow hexagon is simple, but i can't find a filter that will generate something that can help me.
I also tryed to import a desert texture and the hexagon out but didn't manage to do so.

Can anyone help me/ any advice or tutorial?


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Re: Hexagon Desert Texture

Postby brynn » Mon Jan 19, 2015 5:46 am

There's a sand texture in the list of built in patterns. I've used for all sorts of things! But it doesn't look like a sand storm. A sand storm could look like a cloud though, and there are a lot of filters that make cloud-like effects. Somewhere I've seen a poster where someone has displayed what every single filter looks like, when applied to something. But I can't seem to find my link to it. Maybe someone else has it? Or you could just try different filters, until you find one that works.

Or, if you can find any kind of image or photo that has the texture you want, you can import into Inkscpae, convert it to a pattern, and fill the hexagon with it. Maybe would need to make partially transparent, to work properly.

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Re: Hexagon Desert Texture

Postby ragstian » Mon Jan 19, 2015 5:51 am

Somewhere I've seen a poster where someone has displayed what every single filter looks like, when applied to something. But I can't seem to find my link to it
Maybe someone else has it?


Good Luck!
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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