How to save tile clones settings?

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How to save tile clones settings?

Postby Polli » Sun Dec 13, 2009 12:04 pm

The title says it. I want to save and restore certain tile clone settings for later use. Is there a workaround like saving a xml-file or something? Thank you. :)


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Re: How to save tile clones settings?

Postby brynn » Wed Dec 16, 2009 11:24 pm

Well, I was hoping someone else would reply, because I'd like to know how to do this too. But I'm afraid there is not a way to save those settings, other than saving a screen shot, or just writing them down.

I've thought about creating a big chart showing sample arrays and the necessary settings. And I wonder if anyone else has done this as well. But maybe this will be the motivation I need to start such a project :lol:

The problem is that the settings needed to create a certain array of say 10px x 10px objects, are different from the settings needed to create the same array of say 50px x 50px objects, assuming that the spacing between objects is different. But even so, I think such a chart could be helpful as a starting place for determining the settings for whatever array one might be trying to create.

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