Why unusable all-grey screen colour after new install ?

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Why unusable all-grey screen colour after new install ?

Postby paul481 » Wed Dec 18, 2013 2:35 am

I last installed Inkscape almost 3 years ago. I forget the exact (Win32bit) version no. I do remember the offline install zip version not easy to find on the inkscape site, and once installed, one part of the screen difficult to read because text foreground/background colour similar, which the forum told me was a limitation of the Windows version.

I have just assembled a new Haswell NUC (miniPC) with Windows7 Pro SP1 64-bit (i5-4250U, 8GB RAM) and downloaded the offline installable 'Inkscape-0.48.4-64bit.exe' file from the Inkscape site. (I don't want to connect the new miniPC to internet for now). This time easy to find and installation very simple, but when it launched, almost all of the screen except the central white canvas, was rendered in an ugly unusable mid-grey, where the individual UI elements were difficult to make out. I have not altered any of the default installation, and dont recall having to alter any of it before to get it to work.

I installed some other Apps, eg Libre Office, Audacity & others, and the colours were fine, as is the Windows UI, so I concluded it is a problem to do with this App alone.

Is this a known problem, maybe like last time, Windows specific, and what is the fix ? Can anyone advise what has gone wrong with the Inkscape install ? Thank you.

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Re: Why unusable all-grey screen colour after new install ?

Postby Lazur » Tue Jan 14, 2014 2:32 am

That it is how Partha compiled the 64bit version.

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