Hello everybody !
Thanks to all developers for their outstanding piece of free software.
This is my problem :
I have installed .46 version after having uninstalled my .45.1 version, working perfectly. I have kept my preferences. Everything seems to work fine except printing on my Canon IP4300. I get very small pictures on a black background. Changing printing configuration did not help. I got back to the former stable version .45.1 and had no such problems, everything running flawlessly.
What could be the problem ?
.46 printing problems (Windows)
Re: .46 printing problems (Windows)
This is a bug that hasnt been solved yet, you can work around it by using Print > Rendering > Bitmap
just hand over the chocolate and nobody gets hurt
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Inkscape Manual on Floss
Inkscape FAQ
very comprehensive Inkscape guide
Inkscape 0.48 Illustrator's Cookbook - 109 recipes to learn and explore Inkscape - with SVG examples to download
Re: .46 printing problems (Windows)
Hello. I have a different problem printing from 0.46 on Windows. Any objects with Gaussian blur have an ugly halo of lightened color around them. I suppose it could be the printer (it's a color laser printer, not particularly suited to the many-colored graphics I'm making) but it didn't seem to be a problem on 0.45. Does anyone have any ideas?
Re: .46 printing problems (Windows)
Hi guys,
In the http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/ReleaseNotes046%20release%20notes (who reads them??), it says that there are some known problems with printing.
Anyway, the workaround for pretty much every printing problem is to go Print, then select the rendering tab, then select bitmap and a dpi. I wouldn't go too high, probably a max of 300, because with halftoning that is about as high as any 1200dpi printer can do anyway, and too high will give you memory problems and be really slow. Print as bitmap is actually the same print engine that 0.45.1 used (I think), so it should print perfectly, but we are trying to move to cairo, and get better printouts and faster graphics overall.
Sorry we couldn't fix this properhly. We did fix about 10 problems, but couldn't get them all fixed. We would love to fix all the problems for 0.46.1, but because of the workaround we decided to settle here and get the release out (2 wks late!).
The truth is we need more windows developers! Why not look at http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/Win32Port and learn how to build from the source and then get involved in chasing bugs, even just a little? I only got really involved a few weeks back because I saw the desperate need and decided to lend a hand. I am not a programmer, but had a go and am learning on the job. If I can, then you can too. Why not make Inkscape better together?
Some tips.
In the http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/ReleaseNotes046%20release%20notes (who reads them??), it says that there are some known problems with printing.
Anyway, the workaround for pretty much every printing problem is to go Print, then select the rendering tab, then select bitmap and a dpi. I wouldn't go too high, probably a max of 300, because with halftoning that is about as high as any 1200dpi printer can do anyway, and too high will give you memory problems and be really slow. Print as bitmap is actually the same print engine that 0.45.1 used (I think), so it should print perfectly, but we are trying to move to cairo, and get better printouts and faster graphics overall.
Sorry we couldn't fix this properhly. We did fix about 10 problems, but couldn't get them all fixed. We would love to fix all the problems for 0.46.1, but because of the workaround we decided to settle here and get the release out (2 wks late!).
The truth is we need more windows developers! Why not look at http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/Win32Port and learn how to build from the source and then get involved in chasing bugs, even just a little? I only got really involved a few weeks back because I saw the desperate need and decided to lend a hand. I am not a programmer, but had a go and am learning on the job. If I can, then you can too. Why not make Inkscape better together?
Some tips.
- Get interested in some bugs - https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/ and follow them
- Get on the dev mailing list and ask some questions, via http://www.inkscape.org/mailing_lists.php?lang=en and/or http://www.nabble.com/Inkscape-f1925.html
- Have a go at compiling the source code, it's really easy with some patience - http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/Win32Port
Re: .46 printing problems (Windows)
Thanks for the info rygle. I've been wanting to get involved but just haven't had the time lately - this forum is the best I can do for now 

Re: .46 printing problems (Windows)
Hey, no agro from me. Just making sure people know there's a need and know how. The forum is great Micro!
Re: .46 printing problems (Windows)
Thanks for the info. I did look at the release notes (I'd been eagerly awaiting the full release of 0.46 for a while!) but I must not have been paying attention
I tried printing with bitmap at 300dpi but it didn't look even close to sharp, so I'll keep playing with it.

I tried printing with bitmap at 300dpi but it didn't look even close to sharp, so I'll keep playing with it.