Help with trace bitmap

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Help with trace bitmap

Postby kuurt » Tue Dec 15, 2015 6:54 am

My image has 3 colors including the black outline. But when i do a trace bitmap, one of the fill colors is showing outside my black outline. Why is it doing that?

And why is there a place to check "Live Preview" when it only shows a preview if you don't have that checked? And if you check it, it greys out the update button. Which doesn't make sense to me since update is how you see a live preview, no? Sometimes it shows me a live preview update and sometimes it doesn't.
Last edited by kuurt on Tue Dec 15, 2015 7:16 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Why does image still look jagged and pixelated after tracing the bitmap?

Postby Lazur » Tue Dec 15, 2015 7:14 am

Just guessing, you see the original image below the path being created.
Select that and delete it.

Edit: oh you edited your post.
Cannot tell what's going on, post an example image so we can sort it out.

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Re: Help with trace bitmap

Postby kuurt » Tue Dec 15, 2015 7:17 am

Sorry, you must have replied as I was changing my question. I realized i didn't have the image selected - that's why the trace bitmap wasn't working.

I uploaded an image of my current problem.
hatchet.jpg (120.82 KiB) Viewed 2986 times

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Re: Help with trace bitmap

Postby Moini » Tue Dec 15, 2015 8:54 am

My image has 3 colors including the black outline. But when i do a trace bitmap, one of the fill colors is showing outside my black outline. Why is it doing that?

It's not the fill color outside, but probably the lighter anti-aliased edge around the axe. The original image does probably not go from black to white abruptly, there is a soft grey margin around. That is what Inkscape turns into grey.

And why is there a place to check "Live Preview" when it only shows a preview if you don't have that checked?

For me it does show a preview, which is constantly being adapted live to changes I make in the dialog.

And if you check it, it greys out the update button. Which doesn't make sense to me since update is how you see a live preview, no? Sometimes it shows me a live preview update and sometimes it doesn't.

Live update means *live*, without you doing anything but changing values in the dialog, so clicking on an additional button isn't necessary.
That's why it's greyed out - it updates all the time. Not sure why it doesn't work for you :/
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Re: Help with trace bitmap

Postby kuurt » Tue Dec 15, 2015 9:43 am

Hmm, I don't see a grey edge when I zoom into the original, not to say there isn't a grey edge. I actually started with an outline, and I used the brightness and contrast tool in Gimp to turn all of the pixels black before filling the outlined image with color. But, I did mess around with a couple filters in G'MIC, so maybe that caused a blur or grey edge, not sure.

Thanks for explaining how "trace bitmap" dialog box is suppose to work when it's functioning correctly. Mine apparently isn't - I'll try to download the latest version.

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Re: Help with trace bitmap

Postby hulf2012 » Tue Dec 15, 2015 11:23 pm


How big is your image in pixels (width x height)?

However, if it is small, and as simple as is shown, it's quicker to trace it just using the :tool_pencil: or :tool_pen: or begin from :tool_rectangle: , or :tool_star: , or :tool_ellipse: convert to paths and change the nodes with :tool_node:

As it's saying before Inkscape blurs the Bitmap image before tracing it, in order to obtain smooth edges of the vectorization. If you uncheck "smooth", It COULD fix the problem of your grey shape border. But the will be more abrupt. Also change your number of scans to 3 (or 4)instead of 8. And check remove background could help too.

In Inkscape 0.91. There is now a special tool for tracing pixel art, but the image has to be little, around 64px * 64 px I guess.
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Re: Help with trace bitmap

Postby kuurt » Wed Dec 16, 2015 7:19 am

There was definitely something wrong with that version of Inkscape that I had. Once I uninstalled it an installed the latest version the trace bitmap function started working just fine (the update and live preview). And I think it must be why I couldn't get rid of that grey outline as well regardless of everything I tried. Today, using my newly installed version, I was able to get rid of that grey outline, just by unchecking "smooth" like you said.

I don't particularly fancy how thick the black outline is though. Is there anyway to increase and decreases the thickness of the black outline?

I actually have several images that are smaller than this hatchet image and I wasn't sure how I was going to trace them since they're so small. So I'm wondering what this special tool is in Inkscape 0.91 that you mentioned for tracing pixel art.

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