inkscape quickstart: A Box for Cards - An Isometric Projecti

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inkscape quickstart: A Box for Cards - An Isometric Projecti

Postby TOMasCRUZ » Wed Nov 26, 2008 2:48 pm

tavmjong book Northern Pacific Playing Cards
inkscape quickstart: A Box for Cards - An Isometric Projection

asyou can see, i'm a little off.
How do you know IN ADVANCE that you're going to have to shrink the width (or height) to percent?

i guess it is not really a step by step thing, will have to keep working at it. . . .

but really, so what the cosine? and skewing by 30percent???

who knew?

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Re: inkscape quickstart: A Box for Cards - An Isometric Projecti

Postby EarlyBlake » Wed Nov 26, 2008 3:54 pm

I've never use it, but you could use :tool_3dbox: . Or snap nodes together if you don't mind some fudge factor. I find snap really annoying, though.

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Re: inkscape quickstart: A Box for Cards - An Isometric Projecti

Postby heathenx » Wed Nov 26, 2008 10:49 pm

If you are new to Inkscape then I can totally understand you not knowing about it but you can set up axonumeric gridlines instead of a rectangular grid in File>Document Properties. That way your paths will snap to the gridlines. I have to think that you'll be drawing isometric shapes in no time. ;)

Also, one can just hold the Ctrl key down when they are drawing bezier curves to get straight and precisely angled lines depending on your preferences setting for angles.

And finally, you could set your snapping to nodes so all of your endpoints snap to each other.

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