How to import Inkscape 0.47 SVG files into Sketchup

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How to import Inkscape 0.47 SVG files into Sketchup

Postby scurzuzu » Tue Mar 16, 2010 10:10 pm

I used to use Inkscape 0.46 to create 2D shapes that I would save as Plain SVG, then import into Sketchup in order to assemble into 3D arrangements. That stopped working with 0.47, but I just figured out how to get it to work again.

1. Go into Inskcape's preferences
2. Under "Tools" select "SVG output"
3. Under "Path data" - uncheck "Allow relative coordinates"
4. Right below that - check "Force repeat commands"

Be sure to save the new preferences by hitting the little triangle-in-a-box button in the top right corner of the preferences window.

Once you do that, you can save Plain SVG files and import them successfully into Sketchup for further manipulation.

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NOTE: On the other side of the workflow, you have to have a special "import SVG files" plugin for Sketchup. This isn't a Sketchup support forum but if you need more info on this try the two links below. ... 80&p=99818

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Re: How to import Inkscape 0.47 SVG files into Sketchup

Postby LlamaNerds » Thu May 20, 2010 4:34 am

Sweet, thanks! I've been trying create some topo maps in Inkscape and import them into Sketchup, and ran into the same problem. This fixed it for me!

One minor update: In the preferences for Inkscape .48 (at least the current RC) the "SVG Output" menu is no longer under the Tools menu.

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Joined: Tue Oct 18, 2011 7:25 am

Re: How to import Inkscape 0.47 SVG files into Sketchup

Postby Osouk » Tue Oct 18, 2011 7:34 am

Hi there,

I am a bit of a novice, but I once used Google Sketchup to create a topo plan. Could you briefly describe how to place a 2D topo plan in Inskape into Sketchup? I have followed the steps above, and have saved my plan as an SVG file, but then I hit the buffers...

any help appreciated...

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