Center object between two objects

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Center object between two objects

Postby Nessarose » Thu May 19, 2016 6:34 am


I'm new to inkspace and to design in general...
I need to align an object between two objects. I have, two circles in two different layers, and I want to align between them another circle, like this:

The little circle has to be between the two circles, with the same distance between its top and the outer circle and its bottom and the inside circle.

Any idea on how can I do this?

Thank you!

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Re: Center object between two objects

Postby Lazur » Thu May 19, 2016 6:54 am


Draw a temporary spacer/guide object.
Use the pen tool and snapping to smooth nodes to draw a path that has three nodes -one snapped to the top, one to the bottom of that distance and one somewhere in between.
Then use the align and distribute panel (Ctrl+Shift+A) to move the small circle to the horizontal axis of the spacer object.

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Re: Center object between two objects

Postby brynn » Thu May 19, 2016 6:55 pm

I would drag 1 horizontal and 2 vertical guide (out from the rulers), and snap them to the center of the big circles. Then just snap the little circle to that center point. Actually, you don't really even need the guides.

Temporarily, give the little circle a fill color. It's necessary to snap its center. Set up snapping to snap either rotation centers or center of objects, then just snap the center of the little circle to the center of the big circle. Then remove the fill of the little circle.

If those vertical and horizontal bars are centered correctly, it should all line up.

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