eps preview

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Pieter M

eps preview

Postby Pieter M » Fri Mar 26, 2010 8:37 pm

I am a very happy user of Inkscape, Scribus and OpenOffice.org.. but I am stuck with one thing...

OpenOffice.org 3.2 is still not importing .svg pictures directly into writer, (the plugin is not the tool it promised to be)... it can do .eps pictures but will only show these with embedded preview...
Inkscape can export to .eps files but these do not hold an embedded preview... is there any one who can tell me if there's a simple solution on this?

svg directly into writer


inkscape exporting eps with preview.

well if someone knows another way to achieve this, I will welcome the solution...

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Re: eps preview

Postby microUgly » Sat Mar 27, 2010 8:46 am

I don't know of a one-click-trick, but two things I would try are:
  1. to open the EPS in Acrobat Reader and try resaving it (may not even be possible)
  2. Save as PDF, then use http://convert.neevia.com/index.aspx to convert it to EPS.

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Re: eps preview

Postby pbureau » Sat Mar 27, 2010 8:15 pm

Why do you want to keep a vectorial graphic format in writer? Once you know the page size, a bitmap format with the right resolution should give the right result.

If you really want to use .eps, i think you can use Gimp to open your eps file an create a preview.

Another option is to use LaTex to create documents with native eps/pdf support for graphics. (and probably the only solution around to render vectorial drawings in a text document properly)

Pieter M

Re: eps preview

Postby Pieter M » Tue Mar 30, 2010 5:14 pm

Reasons why I need vector graphics are;
The OpenOffice documents will finally be saved as pdf using PDF-creator thus keeping the vector graphic in the pdf document allowing rescaling on screen or even on printer by the user without tempering the quality of the picture.
The pictures are 100% black and white line drawings. They are not that complex and will allow me to decrease the final file size without decreasing the pictures quality.

I know Ghostview with epstools can do it. But indeed it's no 'one-click-trick' anymore. Then I have to do all pictures one by one (each manual I make can hold more than 100 pictures :( )... so I was hoping I could do all in a batch or save them from Inkscape with a preview right away....

The reason OpenOffice is used; speed and user friendlyness... users coming from a MSOffice background do not have to learn any to use it.... all other new apps will require training, thus time...

Could be a feature request??

Pieter M
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Re: eps preview

Postby Pieter M » Thu Apr 08, 2010 8:31 pm

My mistake or better.... did not look at the right places... stupid me...

I have found it has been requested before as it is on the tracker list : https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/268884
Unfortunately the importance is "undecided"... :(

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Re: eps preview

Postby brynn » Fri Apr 09, 2010 3:36 am

Unfortunately the importance is "undecided"...

Add a reply of your own, explaining your issue (problem and/or why you want the feature). That's what the bug tracker is for (even is it's a requested new feature): to hear users' experience. Who knows, maybe yours will tip the balance in favor of the "bug".

I once opened a new "bug" for a wish list item. It went ignored with status "New" for over a year. But finally, something like 14 months later, it was changed to "Confirmed"!

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