Doing a coloration of some of King-Cheetahs lines, just playing with blur, the bucketfill nad some blend modes.
head needs some more love wrt to some shading, and I'm not convinced by my efoorts at lighting, so crits/advice would be welcome.
(just realised I cant link a scrap, so till I work out where else to stick it heres the dev link)
Cheetah girl
Re: Cheetah girl
nice eyes for cheetah ...

Re: Cheetah girl
I am a recent user of inkscape and i love too the "cheetah girl". (Thanks micro-ugly
This my first "big works" with inkscape:
I had used the version 0.45.1 on ubuntu 7.04.
Sorry for my bad english, i am french...
I am a recent user of inkscape and i love too the "cheetah girl". (Thanks micro-ugly

This my first "big works" with inkscape:
I had used the version 0.45.1 on ubuntu 7.04.
Sorry for my bad english, i am french...
- Posts: 626
- Joined: Wed Jun 06, 2007 2:37 am
Re: Cheetah girl
Thats not bad for a first try dodom. King Cheetahs lines are rather good arent they?
You might want to try varying your line widths a bit, i tend to do it with the callig tool, but you can also do stroke to path on a normal line and tweak it manually. If you post that anywhere else be sure to give credit to King-Cheetah for the lines.
You might want to try varying your line widths a bit, i tend to do it with the callig tool, but you can also do stroke to path on a normal line and tweak it manually. If you post that anywhere else be sure to give credit to King-Cheetah for the lines.
Re: Cheetah girl
That's awesome colouring work, Simarilius. Nice work on the shadows and I like the slight blur of colour around her spots. Is the texture on her fur done using bitmap or a vector trick I don't know? 

- Posts: 626
- Joined: Wed Jun 06, 2007 2:37 am
Re: Cheetah girl
microUgly wrote:That's awesome colouring work, Simarilius. Nice work on the shadows and I like the slight blur of colour around her spots. Is the texture on her fur done using bitmap or a vector trick I don't know?
Glad you like it, still working on getting the head right.

The textures using a tiling bitmap, applied to a copy of the base color shape, with the mode set to Darken and the master opacity set to about 25%
Modes are only in SVN, but the whole point of this was to actually do something with SVN rather than quick tests.
Re: Cheetah girl
I suspected you must have been using a bitmap with a blend mode. It was something I intended to do to add noise to my Four Armed Chick colouring, but because I was going to apply it to the whole drawing it was just as easy to do in a raster application where I could more easily fiddle with the amount of noise. Although adding different textures to different areas of a drawing, as you have, is something I've been keen to experiment with.
- Posts: 626
- Joined: Wed Jun 06, 2007 2:37 am
Re: Cheetah girl
to be honest I was pushing SVN a bit in terms of complexity by the end, managed to cause all sorts of renderer issues,
had to resort to batik to render the final thing.
final version:
Next WIP is this one: [CAUTION - NOT REALLY WORK SAFE!] ... n-64987045
had to resort to batik to render the final thing.
final version:
Next WIP is this one: [CAUTION - NOT REALLY WORK SAFE!] ... n-64987045
Re: Cheetah girl
Great work. Although the JPG compression is a little heavy - her lips look splotchy.
I look forward to seeing the completed Miss Gordan. I really like the texturing on her stockings - although I would colour them so it looks like you can see her skin through the stockings.
I look forward to seeing the completed Miss Gordan. I really like the texturing on her stockings - although I would colour them so it looks like you can see her skin through the stockings.
- Posts: 626
- Joined: Wed Jun 06, 2007 2:37 am
Re: Cheetah girl
microUgly wrote:Great work. Although the JPG compression is a little heavy - her lips look splotchy.
Indeed they do. didnt notice the other day when i posted it, had that hard a time getting a render that didnt screw up the filters I guess I wasnt paying enough attention by the end. Will re-render with batik to png or something lossless.
microUgly wrote:I look forward to seeing the completed Miss Gordan. I really like the texturing on her stockings - although I would colour them so it looks like you can see her skin through the stockings.
good call. will have a play. Still cant decide on what style to use for shading, kinda like the flats too much.