For my next project, I've decided to try and reproduce a photograph. Whenever I've attempted realistic images in the past, I've either had a subject, or the actual thing, to which to refer while working. But this time I want to get experience reproducing a photo. Thus far, I have realized that there are some different kinds of challenges with a photo. For example, an area which might have had 3 layers of blur, to accurately depict a shadow or depth on a realistic subject, might easily be done with a simple gradient for the photo. On the other hand, I've sometimes used a filter to simulate texture on a realistic subject, and imo have been fairly successful. But with a photo, unless I happen to find a filter for my exact project, I'm gonna have to draw all the details of a texture.
So anyway, I thought I'd post some WIPs as the image develops. Below is the photo I've chosen. Credit National Geographic

And here's my 1st work-in-progress, where I've roughed out the darker areas, shading and shadows of the beak, at 200% zoom. Of course these areas will not be stroked in the finished version.

Comments and contructive criticism welcomed