Dashed line in .svg appears connected in .pdf

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Dashed line in .svg appears connected in .pdf

Postby epannirselvam » Sun Mar 10, 2013 5:03 pm

Hi All,

This is just to tell you that the problem I've been having in appearance of dashed lines. In .svg it appears correctly as intended. But when converted to .pdf the dashed line does not remain so. They get connected.

I could solve it by setting the value in RGBA box under the fill tab after "shift+control+F" to be "0" instead of the default value "030800ff".

Just to share this with you all, in case anyone has this problem.

With regards - Pannir

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Re: Dashed line in .svg appears connected in .pdf

Postby brynn » Tue Mar 12, 2013 8:03 am

Welcome Pannir!

I can't reproduce that problem. What is your Inkscape version and operating system?

I don't understand why making the line transparent would solve such a problem. Wouldn't that make the whole line transparent?

And what do you mean by the default value is "030800ff"? If there is any such thing as a default color, it's probably black ("000000"). Different tools have different default colors, but for Pen/Bezier or Pencil/Freehand, it's black.

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Re: Dashed line in .svg appears connected in .pdf

Postby hainemoo » Mon Nov 04, 2013 12:54 am

Dear Pannir,

Thank you very much for this post. Had the same problem, saved me a lot of trouble.

PS: I created an account on this forum, specifically to thank you. Also because previous poster seemed to scold you for having this problem.

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