I can't make to work the snap to grid when resizing with F1 tool
Here is my settings
if I use the F2 tool then the snap to grid is working but F2 is not alwways the right tool for every job. What options I must set to make Snap-to-Grid work with F1 tool?
Screenshot from 2016-08-17 13-36-53.png (177.65 KiB) Viewed 2761 times
Screenshot from 2016-08-17 13-36-40.png (176.89 KiB) Viewed 2761 times
Screenshot from 2016-08-17 13-35-20.png (171.42 KiB) Viewed 2761 times
about sharp corners I did not find any option about this, I have search into inkscape settings and also google it...where is this option? Also this option 'snap to sharp corners' is gonna make the resizing function with F1 tool to work like snap to GRID or snap to something else?
I have try to enable all possible combination of snap but nothing seems to work for resizing Are you sure inkscape is capable to do this?
Screenshot from 2016-08-19 10-31-54.png (170.19 KiB) Viewed 2681 times
Either toggle the 1st, 2nd, 4th snap options in -snap, snap bounding boxes, snap bounding box corners- or the 1st, 7th, 10th -snap, snap nodes, snap cusp nodes-. And of course 18th is necessary too for snapping to the grid,