Export to png, ppp level and image accuracy

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Export to png, ppp level and image accuracy

Postby noscollections » Tue Apr 25, 2017 12:32 am


I have draw a boardgame with Inkscape.
The size of the board is about 85x60cm.

If I export the board to 150 ppp, all work fine. Result is the same than inkscape screen.
But now I need to export to a better result, so I try 600ppp.
But the problem is that some layers are not exported.
If I try 300, layers are missing.
Under 150 is working.
All exports are running from 0 to 100% in progress bar

I use inskape 0.921 windows 64b. on Windows 7-64b 28Go of ram.

I try on inkscape 0.91, on other PC (win7-64b)
it told me not enought memory and stop export.

I try to print on pdfcreator with png parameter, same probleme

I try to save as pdf. same probleme

How could I export to a good quality ? have you a tips ?

Thank's for your help.


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Re: Export to png, ppp level and image accuracy

Postby tylerdurden » Tue Apr 25, 2017 2:38 am

It might help to see an example svg file. I'd upload a file to dropbox.com and post a link to the file so we can examine the issue.
Have a nice day.

I'm using Inkscape 0.92.2 (5c3e80d, 2017-08-06), 64 bit win8.1

The Inkscape manual has lots of helpful info! http://tavmjong.free.fr/INKSCAPE/MANUAL/html/

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Re: Export to png, ppp level and image accuracy

Postby Lazur » Tue Apr 25, 2017 3:30 am

850 mm / 600 mm @ 600 dpi? That is 20079 px / 14173 px. That is quite heavy, I'd rather try avoiding any exporting.

Sound you are using filtering, which makes things even worse. Probably layers have special blending modes, and setting them back to normal would export with less problems.

If that's not possible, I'd split up the image to smaller exported areas and stitch the raster images outside inkscape.

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Re: Export to png, ppp level and image accuracy

Postby Moini » Tue Apr 25, 2017 7:59 am

If there are patterns in the file, there's a known issue somewhere - I'd have to dig a bit.
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Re: Export to png, ppp level and image accuracy

Postby noscollections » Tue Apr 25, 2017 2:59 pm

Moini wrote:If there are patterns in the file, there's a known issue somewhere - I'd have to dig a bit.

Thanks for your reply

Yes I have patterns in it. 90% of the board have pattern.
I will search the issue

I have upload my file for testing :
http://noscollections.ddns.net/files/ma ... k17_04.zip

Arf, the first version of my board was made with libreoffice Draw (no problem for export). I have change to Inkscape for a professional render. I have not chance. I hope ti find a solution.

I would like export to 600 because my printer is 600.

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Re: Export to png, ppp level and image accuracy

Postby Lazur » Tue Apr 25, 2017 4:22 pm

You have some 200+ unused defs and the rendering crawls on screen, not just by exporting.
Seems that mostly it's vector content with a few embedded images, so printing from a vector pdf might be a better idea.

Maybe after cleaning up the file a bit.
The layer "cases" containing the problematic parts -all tiles having a pattern fill while there are 40 custom pattern fills being used.
And the pattern definitions are unnecessarily nested one in another.
Checked two of the tiles. One had a pattern fill made from a rectangle having a pattern fill made of a group of for objects,
while the other had a pattern fill made from a rectangle with a pattern fill made from a group of rectangles, one of which had a pattern fill and a colour correction filter applied. Which pattern was also made from a rectangle with a pattern fill

Opening the filter editor it turns out you are using 4 filters for colour correction, one for a multiply blend and 60+ filters for blurring objects.
The latter is the most resource heavy of them all, although removing every filter didn't have a noticeable effect on your file's rendering time.

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Re: Export to png, ppp level and image accuracy

Postby Moini » Wed Apr 26, 2017 2:39 am

The pattern bug I was referring to, where rendering depended on zoom level / export depended upon dpi, can be remedied by moving the pattern's origin onto the shape that has the pattern applied. It's a bug that is supposed to be fixed in 0.92.1, but which is still there to a lesser degree than before:

But if you have 'patterned patterns' as Lazur found, those may be difficult to fix - I'd suggest resolving them before you try the workaround above.
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Re: Export to png, ppp level and image accuracy

Postby noscollections » Wed Apr 26, 2017 6:57 am


I have done some tests
1. I have clean the file.
I try export to 300 ppp for a test : same Probleme

2. export without patterns
at 600 ppp, less than 10 secondes

3. export without water patterns in 300ppp is OK

When I read your comment Lazur, I understand that my problem is the tiles in case layer.
I use pattern because, I select a tile en apply a pattern.

How could have a beautiful sea and not just a color for a tile ?

Have you any tips to avoid the bug ?

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Re: Export to png, ppp level and image accuracy

Postby Lazur » Wed Apr 26, 2017 7:40 am

Using a pattern shouldn't be a problem by itself (although some renderers produce a gap at the seams).
It's that they are cross referenced through one and another. My guess is that you used this method to adjust the pattern's positioning to the object.
Starting fresh with new fill patterns may be the easiest solution or going back to a previous save and building the fills from that.

If you don't want to use cmyk colour mode for the printing and rgb would be acceptable, I'd rather just print from pdf-s and don't mess with any exporting. 20079 px / 14173 px is huge to process and edit further.

But if exporting wouldn't be the problem just the quality of the output, inkscape comes with a custom filter editor you can delve into. Quite a deep hole with the current interface.
Haven't tried to reproduce a sea pattern (yet), but *inserting shameless self advertising*
you can check some filter examples of mine here.

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Re: Export to png, ppp level and image accuracy

Postby noscollections » Thu Apr 27, 2017 12:14 am

Thank you for your reply

I will use a boardgame without patterns, juste a color !For now, I hope find a solution in the futur

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Re: Export to png, ppp level and image accuracy

Postby ronburk » Tue Feb 13, 2018 5:52 am

Moini wrote:It's a bug that is supposed to be fixed in 0.92.1, but which is still there to a lesser degree than before:

Just a note for anyone else trying to figure out missing or half-missing pattern fills in their .png or .pdf: still seems to be a problem in Inkscape 0.92.2 (5c3e80d, 2017-08-06).

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Re: Export to png, ppp level and image accuracy

Postby Moini » Tue Feb 13, 2018 6:20 am

Yes, indeed. Anyone wants to make a report?
Something doesn't work? - Keeping an eye on the status bar can save you a lot of time!

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