
Post questions on how to use or achieve an effect in Inkscape.
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Postby anli » Fri Nov 21, 2008 5:59 pm


I have a group of paths (say, derived from text). I'd like to transform this group the way a rectangular becames trapezium (say, make top shorter rather bottom). In another words - skew horizontal keeping one of the sides and skewing the other side only.

How to?

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Re: trapezining

Postby microUgly » Fri Nov 21, 2008 6:29 pm

You can read a recent thread about the effect you want here - viewtopic.php?f=5&t=1917&p=9908&hilit=perspective#p9908

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Re: trapezining

Postby anli » Fri Nov 21, 2008 7:23 pm

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Re: trapezining

Postby EarlyBlake » Sat Nov 22, 2008 1:58 pm

You could do a live envelope effect. Heathenx's tutorial here: where I learned about it. If you only need a trapezoid do this. Draw a box and convert it to a path. Do a combined with that path you want to slant. (Combined is under the path menu.) Select the new path with the :tool_node: and do a cntl A to select all nodes in the new path. Then in Windows hit alt drag one of the boxes corner nodes. If your using lunix heathenx says grab the node then alt drag, but I don't uses linux so dunno. This way you can see the path deform as you move it. The preview in the perspective tool is still a bit iffy in 0.46 anyway. When you have what you want break apart the paths and delete the box. (Break Apart is under the path menu also.)

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Re: trapezining

Postby anli » Sat Nov 22, 2008 10:35 pm

EarlyBlake wrote:You could do a live envelope effect. Heathenx's tutorial here: where I learned about it. If you only need a trapezoid do this. Draw a box and convert it to a path. Do a combined with that path you want to slant. (Combined is under the path menu.) Select the new path with the :tool_node: and do a cntl A to select all nodes in the new path. Then in Windows hit alt drag one of the boxes corner nodes. If your using lunix heathenx says grab the node then alt drag, but I don't uses linux so dunno. This way you can see the path deform as you move it. The preview in the perspective tool is still a bit iffy in 0.46 anyway. When you have what you want break apart the paths and delete the box. (Break Apart is under the path menu also.)

Thanks - have catched, indeed useful!

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