Lucas? wrote:Many thanks BetaTestingPro!
No problem Lucas, I was hoping my idea would help you, but it sounds like you are doing great with your own code which will be awesome for you and others I'm sure!
Lucas? wrote:I tried it out on a SVG containing 2 groups with 2 objects each. I don't know if I did something wrong, but what I've got were 4 files (there should be only 2, each for a group) and totally blank.
Hmmmm? Well, I tried to give advice that I thought would work. Sorry it did not work out for you. I only hope it didn't waste too much of your time.
Lucas? wrote:Anyway, I'm just finnishing the development of my C++ program to solve the problem. It should be done in a few hours or maybe tomorrow. Things are going pretty well
Well, that sounds great and though I'm NOT a C++ programmer myself, I'm certainly not against looking at your source code and trying to compile it myself for Ubuntu. And even if I can't do it, I may know someone who can.
BetaTestingPro wrote:In any case, if you do create a plugin to do what you are trying to do, I'll be looking forward to trying it out. I just hope it would work on Ubuntu but I'm not so sure since you mentioned using DLLs in your previous post.
Lucas? wrote:It's actually not a plugin, but an ordinary executable file indeed

Man, I'm so thankful for your interest on trying it out! It really motivates me

But I'm sorry... I won't be building an Ubuntu version for this program

I forgot to say that, but my OS is Windows 7, and I'm using Windows API functions like MessageBox() and ShellExecute() to make the program. And I never used Ubuntu before, so I have no idea of the libs I'd must use in order to build for that platform. Also I don't have a compiler for it. However, I'll be releasing the source code along, so maybe someone can modify the platform dependent lines in order to make it avaliable for other platforms as well. Though for me, there's no warranty of course. I'm really sorry to disappoint

But again, you really motivated me.
I'm glad I could motivate you to go ahead and
git er done in any case.... even if I can't use it. It still makes me happy that you are motivated enough to do it for yourself and other Windows users, which I imagine is the majority of Inkscape users anyhow. That said, I do still have WinXP on an older computer and I may be able to try it out on that PC. Though I haven't even booted that thing up in over 6 months! After installing and using Ubuntu, I couldn't really see a need for Windows anymore.

Plus, as mentioned earlier I'd be perfectly willing to take a look at the source code and see if I can figure out what lines need changed and compile it myself so that it could work on Ubuntu as well. So don't worry, I'm definitely NOT disappointed.
The way I see it, I switched from using Windows from version 3.1 all the way up to WinXP over to using Ubuntu exclusively within a years time of discovering & trying Ubuntu & have never looked back. Which means I had to learn A LOT in order to do stuff in Ubuntu that I was used to doing on Windows and for me it's been a great LEARNING experience which continues everyday. At one time, I was a bit intimidated by the command line whereas now, I prefer using the Terminal (command line) for many tasks that in Windows I would have used a GUI application of some sort.
So I'm kind of looking forward to seeing your source code and making it work on Ubuntu (even w/o really knowing C++). I'm definitely NOT afraid to learn new things & this could be an awesome learning experience for me! So I'm still looking forward to testing it out. Perhaps once you get this working for yourself you could send me a sample SVG and maybe screenshots of what is supposed to happen so I can more fully understand it?
Anyway, good luck and I look forward to seeing what you come up with!