How can export pdf content special character with inkscape?

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How can export pdf content special character with inkscape?

Postby lucle » Mon Jul 11, 2016 1:12 pm

I have some special characters ☎ in svg file, I use inkscape to export svg to pdf, but the special characters don't display.

Could you give me solutions for that?

Many thank.

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Re: How can export pdf content special character with inkscape?

Postby Maestral » Mon Jul 11, 2016 6:05 pm

Perhaps converting them to Paths/Outlines?
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Re: How can export pdf content special character with inkscape?

Postby lucle » Mon Jul 11, 2016 9:27 pm

Maestral wrote:Perhaps converting them to Paths/Outlines?

I don't know, what you're mean?
I would some special characters such as: U+1F512 (Lock), U+1F511 (Key), U+260E (Black Telephone) display on pdf file.

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Re: How can export pdf content special character with inkscape?

Postby Maestral » Mon Jul 11, 2016 11:09 pm

Convert Text to Path (Shift+Ctrl+C)
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Re: How can export pdf content special character with inkscape?

Postby Xav » Tue Jul 12, 2016 12:15 am

There's also a checkbox to "Convert text to paths" in the dialog that appears when I choose "Save As..." to save the file as a PDF. You should be able to use that rather than changing the text to paths in the original document (per Maestral's instructions). That said, try both approaches to see if there's any difference in the files.

With my testing I was able to save a PDF that contained the Black Telephone character whether that checkbox was ticked or not. If you don't tick the box I suspect it only works on a machine with the same font installed (I don't think Inkscape embeds fonts into PDF files). If you do tick the box it should work with any machine, but the file will be larger.
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Re: How can export pdf content special character with inkscape?

Postby lucle » Tue Jul 12, 2016 1:12 pm

Xav wrote:There's also a checkbox to "Convert text to paths" in the dialog that appears when I choose "Save As..." to save the file as a PDF. You should be able to use that rather than changing the text to paths in the original document (per Maestral's instructions). That said, try both approaches to see if there's any difference in the files.

With my testing I was able to save a PDF that contained the Black Telephone character whether that checkbox was ticked or not. If you don't tick the box I suspect it only works on a machine with the same font installed (I don't think Inkscape embeds fonts into PDF files). If you do tick the box it should work with any machine, but the file will be larger.

Thank for your response.

I use to convert svg with special characters to pdf.
1. Create svg file

Code: Select all

Dim pathSvgs = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/src/svgs")
If Not Directory.Exists(pathSvgs) Then
End If
Dim svgDoc As System.Xml.XmlDocument = New System.Xml.XmlDocument()
newSvgFile = pathSvgs & "\" & Regex.Replace(layerName, "[^a-zA-Z0-9_]", "_") & ".svg"
If fresh OrElse
      Not File.Exists(newSvgFile) Then
End If

2. Convert to pdf

Code: Select all

string pdfFileName;
pdfFileName = svgFileName.Replace(".svg", ".pdf").Replace(".SVG", ".pdf");
ProcessStartInfo startInfo = default(ProcessStartInfo);
Process pStart = new Process();
startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(pathInkSpace, "\"" + svgFileName + "\" --export-pdf=\"" + pdfFileName + "\"");
pStart.StartInfo = startInfo;

when pdf file is created, the special characters don't display. How can I convert to pdf with special chars

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Re: How can export pdf content special character with inkscape?

Postby Xav » Tue Jul 12, 2016 4:52 pm

The problem isn't an Inkscape one, it's a one. You might gave a better chance on a .Net forum as the question is about how to escape unicode characters in a pdf export, and is probably not SVG specific.

I've moved this thread to the Programming forum, as that's a more appropriate place for this kind of question.
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