Shift tiles clone opposite sense

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Shift tiles clone opposite sense

Postby SUMATORIO » Tue Feb 02, 2016 5:57 am

Hi everyone:
I've tried to make a tiles clone, playing with different options .
I choose Simmetry P1 Simple translation. At the tab Shift I put shift y by column -50% The result it's placed at opposite sense, upward, in my opinion.
If you put shift y by column 50% it's placed at opposite sense downward.

Do I make anything bad or it's a bug?

shift tiles clone opposite sense.png
shift tiles clone opposite sense.png (197.73 KiB) Viewed 2071 times

Thanks a lot.

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Re: Shitf tiles clone opposite sense

Postby brynn » Tue Feb 02, 2016 4:39 pm

Yes, it seems backwards to me too. I think Inkscape has something backwards, compared to other programs. Even though the X,Y axis is at the bottom, left corner (for grids, rulers), Inkscape uses top, left corner for origin. That's why "minus" is up. I think that is going to be "fixed" in the somewhat near future (next few new versions).

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Re: Shitf tiles clone opposite sense

Postby Espermaschine » Tue Feb 02, 2016 5:53 pm

Maybe this information is helpful ?

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Re: Shitf tiles clone opposite sense

Postby SUMATORIO » Tue Feb 02, 2016 7:51 pm

brynn wrote:Yes, it seems backwards to me too. I think Inkscape has something backwards, compared to other programs. Even though the X,Y axis is at the bottom, left corner (for grids, rulers), Inkscape uses top, left corner for origin. That's why "minus" is up. I think that is going to be "fixed" in the somewhat near future (next few new versions).

I know that the coordinates inner Inkscape are the origin it's at top left corner because the feauture of the format svg for use in xml editor, but it's a mess.

That rule in the window dialog of Tiles clone, sense opposite the standar system of coordinates, it's not applied to all procedures.
If you move an object, setting in the spinboxes adding a positive quantity , the movement its upward, correct for me, although inner count it's in opposite sense. The sense of the movement it's correct. I think in the dialog Tiles clone it's wrong, it's not coherent with the rest of procedures.

Thanks Brynn.


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Re: Shitf tiles clone opposite sense

Postby SUMATORIO » Tue Feb 02, 2016 8:01 pm

I've noticed about shift the y by column, but in the case y by file, to be coherent, the quantity of y, must be negative, the movement it's downward.



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Re: Shitf tiles clone opposite sense

Postby brynn » Wed Feb 03, 2016 12:17 am

The Tile Clones dialog receives other criticism as well. Primarily only having the percentage units, and no pixels or inch or mm, etc. The percentage units makes that dialog almost worthless for me, and I rarely use it. By the time I reverse engineer my desired result, to figure out the correct percentage, I could have created what I want 10 times by now, doing it manually. So I rather just do it manually.

I can't quite follow your last couple of comments, because I think of difficulty with translation. But I expect other members will understand what you mean, and they will be able to respond.

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Re: Shitf tiles clone opposite sense

Postby SUMATORIO » Wed Feb 03, 2016 2:46 am

brynn wrote:The Tile Clones dialog receives other criticism as well. Primarily only having the percentage units, and no pixels or inch or mm, etc. The percentage units makes that dialog almost worthless for me, and I rarely use it. By the time I reverse engineer my desired result, to figure out the correct percentage, I could have created what I want 10 times by now, doing it manually. So I rather just do it manually.

I can't quite follow your last couple of comments, because I think of difficulty with translation. But I expect other members will understand what you mean, and they will be able to respond.

Brynn, I agree with you respect to the criticism to the Tile Clones dialog. It' in other post I'll comment things that Tile Clones it's not performed right and as I've solved.

I apologize to you because my poor English skill.

What I mean with the problem of the sense of movement it's that in the boxes to shift y by files and column in the Tile Clones dialog, tag Shift, produce a result opposite what I expecting. Only happend with shift the y coordinate.

The rest of commands o procedures of Inkscape 0.91 a quantity positive add to a previous y result a movement upwards never downward. In the Tavmjong's manual translate to Spanish, explain that inner inkscape use the origin the (0,0) at top left corner of de page, and the reasons are because the format SVG use that kind of origin and then the movement downward it's positive and upwards negative, for use in xml editor. The result of my example in the picture it's a clear example. It's a mess, the other procedures in Inkscape it's the contrary.


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Re: Shitf tiles clone opposite sense

Postby hulf2012 » Wed Feb 03, 2016 4:31 am

To me, it also "hurts my brain" the way tiled clones works... sometimes

- It also happens that if your clones are inside a layer with a transformation attribute, it modifies the behaviour of the clones. I wish could explain better.

- If you could upload a sample file with that problem (better if it is the one that appears in your screen shot), I can be more sure about what I'm saying.

- At the end for just a rectangular array, or a polar array give a try to the arrange dialog, which is new in Inkscape 0.91

- I have to say that I haven't read your issue in detail because... tiled clones "hurts my brain" :oops: . I strongly suspect that is an issue with layers, but I want to see a sample file to be sure

If you have problems:
1.- Post a sample (or samples) of your file please.
2.- Please check here:
3.- If you manage to solve your problem, please post here your solution.

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Re: Shitf tiles clone opposite sense

Postby brynn » Wed Feb 03, 2016 7:13 am


Sumatorio, make another test on a brand new layer. I wonder if this issue might be related to a bug, which can be avoided by working on a new layer. This is one of the first bugs I ever reported, and it's rather a mess. So you will probably want to follow links to related and duplicate reports, to get a good understanding:

It's possible this has just been fixed in the current development version. I don't know for sure and I have not tested in the dev version.

(It's related to the transform attribute, somehow. Especially it might be happening if you changed the page orientation from portrait to landscape. But any transforms in the file could cause it.) (at least that's my understanding)

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