making a fancy background

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making a fancy background

Postby epictreeclimber » Sat Jan 08, 2011 6:52 am

Hello everybody,

I am having a small problem and I hope someone knows what to do.
I am trying to make a little background image to be repeated.
I am using a very simple background color square shape and some lines on it. so 2 objects.
the problem is how can i merge both so the edges of the lines get cut off on the edges of the squares.
I tried Path>intersection but nothing happends. anyone an idea?
added an ugly example of it,

any help is welcome, including when to use path or what object to make path lol i am sucha novice noob :lol:

-edit: I also noticed that ones i try some path trick like join or anything and ctrl+z it, it seems the objects are harmed or something, and i can't perform the same action again this is really weird for me and makes no sense unless it's a bug. using 0.47 btw
hmmm.png (1.37 KiB) Viewed 1273 times

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Re: making a fancy background

Postby Uktrunie » Sat Jan 08, 2011 1:04 pm

I would convert the lines to paths going to Path > Stroke To Path. This way those lines become an object with the shape of the lines. Then you can do an intersection on them. Of course, you first need to merge all the lines together doing a Path > Union.

Hope it helps. Bye.

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Re: making a fancy background

Postby llogg » Sat Jan 08, 2011 1:49 pm

1. Select the lines and do Path>Combine.
2. With line path selected do Path>stroke to path
3. Select rectangle and do Path>object to path
4. Duplicate rectangle path
5. Select rectangle and lines and do Path>Intersection
6. Move remaining rectangle to bottom

Alternate method:
1. Select lines and do Path>Combine
2. With line path selected do Path>stroke to path
3. Select rectangle and do Path>object to path
4. Duplicate rectangle path twice.
5. Select rectangle path and line path and do Path>Exclusion
6. Select another rectangle path and the exclusion path and do Path>Intersection
7. Move the last rectangle path to the bottom. Note that in this method the bottom rectangle determines the color of the lines, which have been cut out of the other rectangle path.

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Re: making a fancy background

Postby brynn » Mon Jan 10, 2011 11:40 am

I tried Path>intersection but nothing happends. anyone an idea?

That would work if the square was a path and not a shape (Path menu > Object to Path).

Also, note that you can look at the info area (bottom of window in the middle), for help at almost any moment. For example, if the square is a shape and not a path, the info area will say something like "one object is not a path".

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