Help with path operations

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Help with path operations

Postby iamshawnrice » Mon Feb 02, 2009 7:15 am


I am attempting to create a frame with rounded corners, but which are concave.
example.png (2.21 KiB) Viewed 1340 times

So that only the black field is visible.

I have tried converting the objects to paths, then using the difference path operation to cut the circles out of the rectangle.

The problem arises here; after selecting all of the objects, I try to convert objects to paths, but the status message in the bottom panel of the screen claims there are no objects to convert to paths in the selection.

I am very confused.

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Re: Help with path operations

Postby prkos » Mon Feb 02, 2009 8:25 am

You don't need to convert to paths before doing paths operations, if you get this message you probably converted to paths already.

Now you just need to select 2 by two objects and do Difference (because path operations only work on 2 objects).
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Re: Help with path operations

Postby Slow Dog » Mon Feb 02, 2009 9:27 pm

iamshawnrice wrote:I have tried converting the objects to paths, then using the difference path operation to cut the circles out of the rectangle.

It worked for me. What did (does) it say at the bottom of the screen when you made your selection? Mine says
"5 objects of type Rectangle, Ellipse in layer Layer 1"
then after converting
"5 objects of type Pathin layer Layer 1"

I was also surprised to discover prkos is right...

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Re: Help with path operations

Postby iamshawnrice » Tue Feb 03, 2009 5:45 pm

I figured it out...for some reason that rectangle was not into the idea of changing into a path, so I created a new one, which was far more accommodating to my demands.

Thanks for the assist.

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