Pattern to object?

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Pattern to object?

Postby Jmx » Sat Jul 16, 2011 9:37 am


I'd like to convert a pattern i made and used on a large object to plain vector so i can edit the entire area.
If i go "Object->Pattern->Pattern to Objects" it simply turns it back into the original pattern (the small one used to make the pattern).
Is there a way to convert an object with a pattern to editable vector data again?
I have tried saving it in different formats and imported it back, but i can't seem to make it clean editable vector.
Only way i can think of right now is to manually repeat the pattern piece and union it all.


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Re: Pattern to object?

Postby brynn » Sat Jul 16, 2011 10:44 am

Yeah that would be my suggestion as well. Unfortunately, you can't make the entire pattern editable, other than configuring the pattern. Or iow, you can't turn it into paths. So duplicating and unioning is the best option there, I t hink. Or perhaps cloning, depending on your goal.

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Re: Pattern to object?

Postby RobA » Sun Jul 17, 2011 1:04 am

Once you have one bit, use the tiled clones to create a repeated space of them, then unlink/union to get a larger repeated editable vector pattern.

-Rob A>

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Re: Pattern to object?

Postby Jmx » Sun Jul 17, 2011 7:47 am

Thanks guys,

It was as i though, do it manually only :(
It would be a nice feature to have in Inkscape though.

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