Selecting an Object Underneath Another Object

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Selecting an Object Underneath Another Object

Postby PirateChef » Mon Jun 15, 2009 7:06 am

I don't know if this was changed in Inkscape, or if there's something wrong with my keyboard. According to the Inkscape Tutorial in the Help menu (and all the webpages I could find), you can select an object that is obscured by another object by Alt-clicking on it. However, this doesn't work for me. Alt-clicking does nothing. Alt-dragging just moves the window around.

I'm using Inkscape .46.

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Re: Selecting an Object Underneath Another Object

Postby prkos » Mon Jun 15, 2009 8:51 am

Your window manager has the advantage, it steals that key combination before it can get to Inkscape. The most convenient way to solve this is to change the window managers shortcut for moving windows, use Super key (windows logo) instead of Alt. You can find instructions for various platforms in Inkscape FAQ ;)
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