I hope this is a proper subforum for this, if no, please move this thread appropriately

What is needed?
A Free and Open-Source benchmarking & comparison program, the Phoronix Test Suite, is looking for a new logo. If you're an artista, please help us out and submit an entry here (click)!
What is the Phoronix Test Suite?
The Phoronix Test Suite is the most comprehensive testing and benchmarking platform available for Linux and is designed to carry out qualitative and quantitative benchmarks in a clean, reproducible, and easy-to-use manner. This software is based upon the internal tools and extensive Linux benchmarking work done by Phoronix since 2004, with input from tier-one computer hardware vendors. This software is open-source and licensed under the GNU GPLv3 and consists of a lightweight core (pts-core) with each benchmark consisting of an XML-based profile with related utility scripts. The process from the benchmark installation, to the actual benchmarking, to the parsing of important hardware and software components is heavily automated and completely repeatable, asking users only for confirmation of actions.
The Phoronix Test Suite can be used for simply comparing your computer's performance with your friends and co-workers or can also be used at your company for internal quality assurance purposes under Linux. Results from the Phoronix Test Suite are displayed in a results viewer with optional support for uploading them to PTS Global. PTS Global allows you to browse all uploaded results, search these results (coming soon), and comparing other results against your own system.
$100 USD (or computer hardware, your choice, if located within the US).
Questions? Comments?
Ask below!
Additionally, if you'd want to use the font used for the 'Phoronix' title on phoronix.com, feel free to download it from ubuntu forums (http://ubuntuforums.org/attachment.php? ... 1214773991) or here (http://www.phoronix.com/forums/showthre ... #post37491).