Hi all,
Though I don't post much, I always visit InkscapeForums.com and help out when I can. You've got a great community here and microUgly, the devs and members are some of the best.
I'm an admin at http://linuxgraphicsusers.com/
We are a young and growing community of friendly and knowledgeable folks with many true artists - myself I hardy consider an artist - but I try. We're happy to serve the Linux graphics community for all level of users, kids to expert.
If you visit you'll be able to tell Inkscape is my favorite graphics program. I've done all my images in Inkscape, wrote tutorials and posted my first of hopefully many screencasts.
After getting used to the amazingly easy user interface of Inkscape and playing around with it for a while, this was my first drawing I created with Inkscape 0.45...
http://linuxgraphicsusers.com/index.php ... 589#msg589
Anyway, I wanted to thank microUgly for the wonderful resource he offers all the budding artists out there that he serves and hope some will stop by to check us out.