Cannot find package 'Magick++'

Discussion about writing code for Inkscape.
Posts: 5
Joined: Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:32 pm

Cannot find package 'Magick++'

Postby Mahendra » Thu Jun 09, 2011 6:19 pm

Hello Sir
I am using follwing tool for compile Inkscape On Window Xp.

devlibs-svn-0811161728 (;O=D)(Copy the Devlibs in C Drive)

I have write the following command On command prompt.

E:\Editor\inkscape-0.48.1\inkscape-0.48.1> mingwenv
E:\Editor\inkscape-0.48.1\inkscape-0.48.1> g++ buildtool.cpp -o btool
E:\Editor\inkscape-0.48.1\inkscape-0.48.1> btool

Here, The following error occur ,Please suggest the right way to resolve this one.

# [b] BuildTool v0.9.9
######## PARSE : build.xml
============ cmd ============
bzr revno
Make error line 0: executeCommand : could not create process : The system cannot
find the file specified.
Make error line 0: error executing 'bzr revno':
Make error line 0: cannot open file 'c:\devlibs\lib\pkgconfig\Magick++.pc' for r
Make error line 0: Cannot find package 'Magick++'. Do you have it installed?


Posts: 2272
Joined: Sun May 10, 2009 2:07 am

Re: Cannot find package 'Magick++'

Postby ~suv » Thu Jun 09, 2011 8:19 pm

Mahendra wrote:inkscape-0.48.1
devlibs-svn-0811161728 (;O=D)

Did you read the wiki page about compiling on Windows carefully? The devlibs package you use is outdated, the repository had moved to launchpad in January 2010.

Please start here: Compiling Inkscape on Windows - Inkscape Wiki and make sure you have up-to-date tools. Since there have been some changes to the devlibs lately, you might have to check out the 0.48.x branch of Inkscape (instead of using the tarball of 0.48.1) - but I'm not sure about this since I do not compile Inkscape on Windows myself.

BTW - you might get better informed answers on the mailing list 'inkscape-devel' [1] since this forum is mainly for users, not developers.

[1] Please try with the updated devslibs as described in the wiki first, it might resolve your problems.

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