I'm using a laptop for the first time with Inkscape. In general, I've noticed that colors near the top of the screen are always deeper and richer than colors near the bottom of the screen, which are lighter and paler. It didn't seem to be a serious problem, until I've now started drawing (and coloring) with Inkscape. Now I can't figure out what colors to use. Is the truest color in the middle, top or bottom? I think this is an LCD screen, if it matters (although I can't seem to find info about it at the moment). Should I have gotten something different (if there ARE other kinds, I have no idea)?
So I'm curious how other people handle this. Is there some kind of solution for the machine (non-Inkscape fix)? Or is there something I can do to Inkscape to make it easier to color drawings on this screen? Or are laptops not considered the best kind of computer to use for graphics design?
Thanks for your help