PCB outlines from Inkscape to Eagle

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PCB outlines from Inkscape to Eagle

Postby holmeswatson » Thu Feb 20, 2014 9:56 pm


Not sure if this should be in this forum or Eagle's, but here goes...

I have designed an outline for a PCB in Inkscape and wish to import it into Eagle, but the guides I have found leave me with lots of little lines in Eagle, not a continuous line, what's more is there are gaps between the lines, so not ideal. http://todbot.com/blog/2011/06/06/from- ... -circuits/

Is there a way to modify a dxf file in Inkscape so that the line is continuous when imported? Or another way of doing it?

Also tried this with similar disappointing results:
http://makezine.com/projects/make-36-bo ... d-gerbers/

Any help or guidance is appreciated

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Re: PCB outlines from Inkscape to Eagle

Postby Grobe » Fri Feb 21, 2014 9:10 am

I wouldn't have used Inkscape for working and conversion of dxf files. However, I can sugest three alternative ways:
  • Use the layout directly from Inkscape and don't mind using any other applications.
  • Use LibreCAD to draw the outlines manually instead of Inkscape. It's just more suitable for dealing with dxf files.
  • Why use other programs than Eagle at all? Isn't Eagle supposed to be able to generate the whole layout without help from other programs?

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